The Global School for Social Leaders BLOG

Social Innovation, Leadership, Climate Action, Sustainability, Startups and Innovation around the world

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Cultural Transformation by Leaders

Nowadays, leaders want rapid and effective results but using the same mindset. This means that the results are really fragmented and with a very low impact on the clients and the organization. Cultural Transformation by Leaders is possible? When I refer to the same...

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Consulting vs Coaching. Difference

It is a frequent question we receive at The Global School: What is the difference between those terms. Consulting vs Coaching. Difference According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a Consultant is a person who is a specialist in...

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Tips for your Online Consulting & Academy

We want to share with you what is new at The Global School by providing you with our most powerful tips for your Online Consulting & Academy. If you are part of The Global School Consultants, you have access to all the following: 1. Chat-bot or Virtual secretary....

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How consulting businesses are working online

Let me be honest with you, Consultants can not sacrifice time on understanding every aspect of the digital world, and still taking care of their clients. How consulting businesses are working online? I have been consulting for the last 30 years, in international...

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Pope endorses Gay Marriage

Catholic Agency News. 21.October.2020. In a documentary that premiered Wednesday in Rome, Pope Francis called for the passage of civil union laws for same-sex couples, departing from the position of the Vatican’s doctrinal office and the pope’s predecessors on the...

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Nature-Based Solutions to Save The World

Nature-based solutions harness the power of nature to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also help us adapt to the impacts of climate change. They are win-win solutions that involve protecting, restoring and sustainably managing ecosystems to address society's...

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