We want to share with you what is new at The Global School by providing you with our most powerful tips for your Online Consulting & Academy.
If you are part of The Global School Consultants, you have access to all the following:
1. Chat-bot or Virtual secretary.
Having a private chat-bot taking questions and contact information from visitor to your website is an easy but powerful tool to start conversations.
Having a virtual secretary or chat-bot on your website generates 30% more conversations.
Tip: We recommend you to take a look at your Google Analytics (or your analytics provider) and analyze your Avg. session duration, in order to set up your chat-bot entrance at the right time before your visitors leave your website. 5 seconds from starting is too soon, 60 seconds might be too late.
2. Booking & Meeting Forms.
Allowing your potential clients to book a meeting with you directly into your website, is saving time and effort.
Stop asking your clients to e-mail you, let them book a meeting with you increases 50% chances to close that deal.
Tip: If you work in different time zones, you can have an extra question allowing your costumers to choose time-zones. You can also send a converter by email using a time zone converter, click here, or use calendly if you are just starting.
3. Keyword Research.
You can write as much as you want about the topics you consult. However, a professional consultant must write a piece of text with a clear balance between value, usability and marketing.
You don´t need to sell your services in every article, but each one of your text needs to validate your expertise and reputation, you must be always valuable for others.
SEO optimised articles increase your online presence and reputation by 50%.
Tip: Before you start creating content, go and visit AnswerthePublic.com, to find out what are the key search around your industry.
4. Start talking to the camera.
Are you planning to launch an online event or hold a webinar?, Or just creating more visual content? You need to start talking to the camera right now. Therefore, consider this a preparation campaign where you can explore whether your content is valuable and attractive enough.
Online events boost your customers’ engagement by 60%.
Tip: You do need a super production to start, but be sure you have: A good mic, A good light and a lot of confidence.
We are your Experienced, Professional and Reliable Team
The Global School is a multi-awarded organisation with 15 years designing & marketing purpose-driven consulting & education, JOIN US AND START FOR FREE NOW.
Roberto A. Arrucha – @Arrucha
Director & Founder of The Global School for Social Leaders
We design Purpose-Driven Consulting & Education.